Rachelle is Committed To Stand For:
Having had 6 years of experience as Township Clerk of Martin, it will be my priority to stand for Election Integrity and follow through with transparency in the election process. After seeing the countless irregularities with the 2020 Election which Lansing refuses to investigate, I fully support a forensic audit. In order to have a successful 2022 Election, we must stand together to fix the 2020 Election. I will fight for election integrity in the State of Michigan which includes going back to paper ballots and giving the foreign voting machines the boot. Accountability must be upheld. It is vital to perform secure and fair elections in order to regain the trust and confidence of the American people. We deserve to have fair and transparent elections protecting each individual’s vote.
It’s no surprise that Michigan’s Education System is failing our children through Critical Race Theory and Woke Ideology. We have to work on measures to preserve American history and not erase actual and true historical facts. Parents should have a choice where their children are being educated. If elected, I will fight for education reform. I strongly believe our tax dollars should fund the student not the school district. Our children were given to us by God. We do not need to co-parent with the government. Michigan kids deserve a great education equipped with the tools to set them up for success.
I believe in limiting government control. I will focus on opposing bills that increase taxes, fines, or fees. I will work hard on preserving small businesses as they are the driving force in our economy. Less government regulations and more free-enterprise are sustainable! Lansing needs leadership of a Common Sense Government at a “Common Cents” Cost.
Our Constitutional rights are being infringed upon in a way like we have never seen before. Our medical freedoms, freedoms of religion and speech, and the right to bear arms are sovereign God-given rights…all of which have been founded and instituted by the framers of the United States Constitution. I will work hard and strive to protect and preserve our inalienable rights which we are privileged to have in this great nation!
As the wife of a dairy farmer and a Candidate representing the people in parts of Allegan County, one of the largest agricultural Counties in the State of Michigan, Barry County, Eaton County, and Ottawa County, I will fight to maintain the agriculture industry. I am committed to limiting regulations and preserving the function of agriculture. I understand small business, family business, the rural community, and the character it builds in individuals, families and communities—which is what makes the 43rd District unique and special.
I am a Christian and believe that God ordains life—which begins at conception. I am passionate about protecting the unborn and will work hard on banning any abortion laws. God is the Giver and Sustainer of life…what right do we have to take it away? I will support programs that educate and assist women to receive the available alternatives and options in the fight against abortion.
Illegal immigration is not only a problem nation-wide but also right here in Michigan. Illegal immigrants do not pay their share of taxes, yet they still receive a child credit. This issue affects our healthcare, education, welfare, jails and human services. It also affects our jobs, lowers our wages, and ultimately costs the middle class taxpayers a lot of extra money. However, I am in full support of the established legal process for any immigrant to become a legal citizen of the United States of America, the land of the free and the home of the brave.
My worldview belief is the bigger the government, the smaller the citizen. I believe the rights of the individual must be fiercely protected. We Americans are individualists, not collectivists. I care about the individual in America and the choices s/he freely makes as long as they don’t harm someone else.